Monday, December 9, 2019

#10 What makes a good life?

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1.Briefly introduce The Havard study on happiness.
In the past 75 years, The Havard tracked the lives of 724 men, year after year, asking about their work, their home lives, their health, and of course asking all alone the way with out knowing how their life stories were going to turn out. The final result shows that relationship affect happiness.
2.Are you surprised by Dr.Robert's findings?
ah..nope! no matter family, friend or community relationships, I believe that there is no scale for relationship, but there is scale of money. So your money doesn't stand for your relationship.
It seems to me that living a good life is quite simple, having good health, do hobby you like and be yourself.

Monday, December 2, 2019

#9 Voice blog

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I always procrastinate in my free time,because I'm lazy. I will finish my duty (such as homework) in the last minute. How to stop procrastinating? Try to done all your work in the same moment and then you can do what ever you want.

#8 Lying To Children