Saturday, September 28, 2019

#3 Podcast learning

The Gogoro Viva prototype only thirty thousand NT dollars.

People used to believe that you could commute water into soup.

Maglev train will be the trend in the future.

The K-pop music is more prevealent than tranditional pop music.

Elatric bikes are increasingly commonplace.

My mom always use a vacuum cleaner to collect dust.

Tom told us a far-fetched story.

correspondent 通信員,記者
Jimmy is a war correspondent.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

#2 Are the speaking and listening tasks difficult for you? What are the challenges you often face when you listen and speak in English?

這次的英文測驗挺有趣的~雖然有點不習慣,但以這種形式上課我相信會學到很多. 我認為listening對我來說是相對容易的,相信許多人更我一樣在speaking的部分會比較遇到困難,不知道怎麼開口,一方面緊張一方面單字量不夠所以講不出話來~我覺得我要學習敢講不怕出錯才能學好一種語言 謝謝

My new plan this year!

I'm a transfer student and now study sophomore at NTUB~My plan of this year is study english hard and get a better grade on my GEPT test and promote my specialized subject. My second plan is work out and make my body improve to another level~I wish i can make it.