Sunday, October 13, 2019

#5 Can you trust a smart speaker

(A) Do you have a smart speaker at home?
     Yes,I did~and probably not only one at home. Nowadays every person do have a smart speaker, even my grandmother does.

(B) What is a smart speaker? 
     Smart speaker is kind of Artificial Intelligence, smart phone can used to be a smart speaker too~like Apple's HomePod Google Home and Amazon echo,when you ask it something, you can get a respond from it.

(C) How does a smart speaker work?
     It works like when you talk to a normal person, ask it questions and will get a respond~some parents use it for helping their kids study. I think it will slather use in future, because it's a trend. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

#4 transport system

Hyperloop system is a trend in future. This will be realistic in the real life, and more saver then driving car in the traffic jam, probably will be used in all the country. Taiwan's best transport system is in Taipei, the MRT and bus system are convenient every where, on the road full of taxi and bikes. In Taiwan, most of the student have a motorcycle, it's really useful in normal life but the air pollution is a very serious problem today in this environment. Restrict gasoline vehicles can reduce air pollute, everyone needs to cooperate because no one can live without air.